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Showing posts from January 28, 2018


Try these Healthy Breakfast Ideas to lose Weight

Quick Bites: Get into the habit of having a breakfast Opt for eating water-rich food Eat cereal for breakfast to reduce the risk of diabetes Do you skip breakfast in order to lose some weight? Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Here are some healthy breakfast ideas that can help to lose weight. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides the nutrients and energy required to start a day. Since a breakfast is the most important meal of the day, one must never skip it. Sometimes, people tend to skip breakfast in order to lose some weight. A good idea would be to instead opt for breakfast recipes that help lose weight. Following are some breakfast ideas to lose weight. A hot cereal in the morning, mixed with low-fat variants, such as low-fat muesli, and low-fat milk are good options for getting into the habit of having a breakfast. Another idea would be to add some fruit or reduced calorie syrup to provide a full breakfa...

Ayurvdedic treatment of obesity

Quick Bites: Underweight and overweight are signs of imbalance of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. Weight control problems occur if your food intake is not balanced by a proper digestion. In people with vata dosha underweight rather than overweight is the problem generally. Get Ayurvedic treatment for obesity based on your symptoms classified as a type of dosha. Ayurvedic treatment for overweight people can be all homemade but if nothing works out, you should visit a professional practitioner. According to Ayurveda underweight and overweight are signs of imbalance of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. Weight control problems occur if your food intake is not balanced by a proper digestion or metabolism and is not dependent on your food intake. Ayurvedic treatment for obesity focuses on boosting your metabolism as well as down on harmful foods. Overweight or obesity occurs mostly in people with predominantly kapha-type dosha although obesity is seen in peopl...

Eat these Nuts to Beat Hunger Pangs

Quick Bites: Overeating can lead to some serious health issues. Walnuts help in discouraging this habit by making you feel full Read the article to find all the benefits associated with eating walnuts. This healthy nut can help you curb your cravings and overcome the fear of overeating. Read the full article to know what we are talking about. Have you ever binge-eaten? All of us have at some point in our lives. But if you overeat on a regular basis and often feel incapable to stop, then this habit can you lead to health issues. You will probably feelings of guilt, shame or depression afterwards. To overcome these feelings, most of us turn to dieting or unhealthy eating habits, which may lead to health complications such as low energy, low blood sugar, and stress. Stop beating yourself up over these feelings and start working towards healthy eating. This healthy nut can help your curb cravings an overcome the fear of overeating. Walnuts have numerous benefit...

Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma skin disorder

Quick Bites: Leucoderma remains a diifficult skin disorder to treat. It has more cosmetic implications rather than medical. Bavachi is one of the herbs that help leucoderma patients. Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma is sought after by many because it remains a difficult skin disorder to treat. It has more of cosmetic or social implications rather than medical. Leucoderma is a chronic skin disorder, which is also referred to as vitiligo. In the medical condition, the skin loses its normal colour. The term leucoderma means white (leuco) skin (derma). As the same suggests, the condition is characterised by white patches on the skin because of loss of melanin (the pigment responsible for the colour of skin, hair and eyes). You can resort to Ayurveda for treatment of leucoderma as there is no standard medical procedure that can help cure it. Ayurvedic formulations The commonly used aurveda formulations for leucoderma treatment are arogya  vardhini, trivanga...