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Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma skin disorder

Quick Bites:
  • Leucoderma remains a diifficult skin disorder to treat.
  • It has more cosmetic implications rather than medical.
  • Bavachi is one of the herbs that help leucoderma patients.
Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma is sought after by many because it remains a difficult skin disorder to treat. It has more of cosmetic or social implications rather than medical.

Leucoderma is a chronic skin disorder, which is also referred to as vitiligo. In the medical condition, the skin loses its normal colour. The term leucoderma means white (leuco) skin (derma). As the same suggests, the condition is characterised by white patches on the skin because of loss of melanin (the pigment responsible for the colour of skin, hair and eyes). You can resort to Ayurveda for treatment of leucoderma as there is no standard medical procedure that can help cure it.

Ayurvedic formulations

The commonly used aurveda formulations for leucoderma treatment are arogya  vardhini, trivanga bhasma, mahamanjishthadi qadha (decoction), khadirarishta, krumikuthar rasa, krumimumdgar rasa, saarivasav, and rasa manikya.

Herbal Medicines 

Herbal medicines that are considered useful for leucoderma are manjishtha (rubia cordifolia), saariva (hemidesmus indicus), triphala (three fruits), haridra (curcuma longa), daruharidra (berberis aristata), khadir (acacia catechu), vidanga (embilia ribes) and bavachi (psoralia corylifolia).


It is the most commonly used herb for leucoderma. It is applied onto the skin in the form of a paste and the affected skin parts are exposed to mild sunlight for a few minutes. Sometimes, ayurveda practitioners prescribe it for oral consumption in the form of powder or tablets.

Restoring Immune system

Some medicines are used to balance the disturbed immune system, which is one of the reasons behind leucoderma. These are brahmi (bacopa monnieri), jatamsnsi (nardostachys jatamansi), vacha (acorus calamus) and shankhpushpi (convolvulus pluricaulis).

Diet Changes

You may be advised to avoid certain foods such as oranges, sweet lime, sea food, excessive salt, and sour or fermented food products.

Some people with extensive white patches on the skin may respond, whereas others with a few skin patches may need long-term treatment due to slow response.

Read more articles on Ayurveda


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