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Eat these Nuts to Beat Hunger Pangs

Quick Bites:

  • Overeating can lead to some serious health issues.
  • Walnuts help in discouraging this habit by making you feel full
  • Read the article to find all the benefits associated with eating walnuts.
This healthy nut can help you curb your cravings and overcome the fear of overeating. Read the full article to know what we are talking about.

Have you ever binge-eaten? All of us have at some point in our lives. But if you overeat on a regular basis and often feel incapable to stop, then this habit can you lead to health issues. You will probably feelings of guilt, shame or depression afterwards.

To overcome these feelings, most of us turn to dieting or unhealthy eating habits, which may lead to health complications such as low energy, low blood sugar, and stress.

Stop beating yourself up over these feelings and start working towards healthy eating. This healthy nut can help your curb cravings an overcome the fear of overeating.

Walnuts have numerous benefits apart from being nutritious. This superfood has the power to decreased hunger.

Walnuts - can help you control the hunger pangs by activating the region of the brain, which regulates hunger and cravings, suggested a study published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.

To determine how walnuts suppress cravings, researchers asked 10 people suffering from obesity to live at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center's Clinical Research Center for two five-day sessions.

During the first five-day session, participants were randomly asked to consume smoothies containing 48 grams of walnuts, while on the other day they received a walnut-free but nutritionally comparable placebo smoothie.

Olivia M Farr, the first author of the study said that people often report feeling fuller after eating walnuts and the evidence of activity changing in the blood related to food cues was surprising.

In the findings, when the volunteers were shown images of highly desirable foods, functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) revealed increased activity in the right insula after the first-day session. Functional MRI measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow.

The right insula of the brain involves cognitive control and salience, meaning that patients were more attentive towards food choices and were selecting healthier options over unhealthy food items after consuming the five-day walnut-rich diet compared to when they were not.

According to the study, walnuts promote feelings of fullness and discourage overeating. Therefore, walnuts can help control your appetite and improve your daily habits.

Try some walnuts for a stress-free way to control your diet. In a nutshell, here are 5 benefits of eating walnuts:
  • These nuts help in discouraging people from over-eating by making them feel full.
  • These are very healthy nuts that provide a person with dosed plant-based omega-3 fatty acids.
  • These nuts are also rich in biotin, manganese, copper, and molybdenum.
  • It also curtails the risk of cancer and enhances brain health and heart health.
  • It is likely to derease the risk of type-2 diabetes.


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