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Effects of Excess Carbs on Your Health

Quick Bites:

  • Excess carbs can lead to various organ problems

  • It can be lethal to your heart, kidney and digestive system

  • Read the full article to know the ill effects of eating to many carbs.
Bad carbs in your diet could prove harmful and effects of which can be lethal- from short-term problems to long-term chronic diseases.

Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps in boosting the mood, promote weight loss, and it also helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body. However, consuming excess carbs could prove harmful and effects of which can be lethal - from short-term problems to long-term chronic diseases.

Ingesting too many carbs can be detrimental to your health as it follows the dangerous elements to enter your bloodstream. Eating foods that do not necessarily provide nutrition to the body, threaten your health and prolonged existence. Also, reducing or increasing the consumption of any of the important nutrients in your diet can eve major consequences on the body.

However, not all carbs are harmful. Plant-based whole carbs such as fruits, vegetables, and grains are highly nutritious and optimize body composition. Some carbs are high in calories like sugar, bread, and grains; whereas some are low in calories like green vegetables. Refined carbs are foods where machinery removes all the high fibre parts from the grain. Examples of refined carbohydrates are white flour, white bread, pasta, noodles or any product made of white flour.

Here are some of the harmful effects of too many carbohydrates in your diet:


This is a no-brainer. Almost every person on this planet is aware of the fact that excess carbs promote weight gain.  But how exactly does that happen? So, if there is an excessive amount of carbs in the body, it will automatically store all the extra carbs as body fat. Each gram of carbs contains 4 calories and all the carbs-rich foods contain dozens of calories, hence the issue of weight gain.


Eating too many carbs can affect your blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are a source of energy for the cells that acts as a fuel for our active existence. But refined carbs such as white bread and pasta digest very quickly and may spike the blood sugar levels. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, a diet with a high glycemic index can lead to an increase in the risk of type-2 diabetes.


Fatty foods can have a harmful effect on your digestive symptoms of gastroparesis or delayed digestion. If the consumption of saturated fat is more than your fibre intake, then you may suffer from constipation. The digested food instead of being released remains in the colon and causes constipation.


Excess carbs change into the excess fat of your body. When your body fat reaches an extreme point, this fat causes the arteries' walls to thicken up. Consumption of saturated fat encourages the plaque in the arteries to build up, thus narrowing the space for blood flow. This causes a disruption in the bloodstream, thus increasing the chances of a heart attack or a stroke. This condition is known as atherosclerosis.

 Vascular Diseases

Consuming too many carbs increases the number of triglycerides in your blood, which then raises the risk of developing heart diseases. It also causes the arteries to swell and blood clots may occur in your heart and blood. Triglycerides beat the amount of good cholesterol in the body, potentially giving you numerous vascular diseases.


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