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Does Smoking Make you Gain Weight? Know the Truth!

Quick Bites:

  • Smoking has been linked to weight loss and the trend of weight gain in chain smokers.
  • Most of the weight lost during smoking will be gained back within no time
  • Another reason why smoking induces weight loss is that smoking suppresses appetite.
Though smoking is not a direct cause of weight gain, it does affect certain medical conditions leading to weight gain.

Smoking has often been associated with serious diseases that have fatal and near-fatal implications. Some of the common ones include lung cancers and cardiovascular complications. Smoking is also considered potentially harmful to those suffering from chronic kidney impairment. So, is the question "does smoking cause weight gain?" awaiting an answer in your head? Well, the answer is no. In fact, smoking has often been associated with weight loss and the withdrawal of smoking has been considered as one of the reasons responsible for weight gain though that does not make smoking a healthy choice for weight loss. Here's why.

Smoking cause weight Gain: Understanding the facts

  • According to a recent study, smoking has been linked to weight loss and the trend of weight gain in chain smokers has also been found to be much slower as compared with non-smokers in given circumstances. This weight loss, however, can hardly be associated with any health benefit because most of the weight lost on account of smoking is associated with losing lean muscle mass and not body fat. Therefore, what you lose is not weight, but healthy.
  • The nicotine present in cigarettes is a natural stimulant. In fact, that is precisely the reason why an addiction is developed towards it. When you smoke, your heart is stimulated to feat faster to an extent that it beats up to 20 times more per minute as compared with the average heart rate of a non-smoking individual. As your heart rate increases, the basal metabolic rate of the body also increases. Hence, calories are burnt much faster thereby, leading to weight loss.
  • Another reason why smoking induces weight loss is that smoking suppresses appetite. Smokers, usually, choose to fag during meal time and thereby, compromise their appetite levels. A lack of healthy appetite pushes the individuals to eat less and hence, lose weight in the long run.
  • Most of the weight lost during smoking will be gained back within no time when a person quits smoking permanently. The rate of weight gain depends on the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Although, the answer to the question "does smoking cause weight gain?" is an absolute "no" considering that it is associated with weight loss, fagging is no a healthy way to lose weight. Healthy weight loss must involve structured exercises and stick to a fat-free yet nutritious diet.


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