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9 Simple and Easy to Follow Tips to Gain Weight for Women

Quick Bites:

  • Have large portions of healthy fats and proteins in your diet.
  • Doing weight lifts are important to gain weight.
  • Have a right frame of mind to work your way to healthy weight.

There are many ways a woman can work her way to healthy weight. Any approach to weight gain for women focuses on what they must do and what to avoid for gaining weight with minimum of fuss.

Underweight women are at risk of various health problems such as anaemia, infertility or a week immune system. Moreover, many times they are also not satisfied with the way they look.

There are many ways a woman can work her way to healthy weight. Women should look for healthy ways to gain weight, rather than gaining weight through increasing fat on their body or crash courses. If you wish to have a more voluptuous and curvaceous body, here are some weight gain tips for you.

Charter a Weight Gain Plan

Similar to charting a plan for weight loss, make a  plan for weight gain. Not having a weight gain plan paves way to a non-curvy body. Typically, your weight gain plan will include food products that you weight gain plan will include food products that you consume, how much muscle you want to gain, the kind of exercises you will do to achieve the goal, how much time you will allow gaining weight and the kind of weight gain supplements you will use to aid your diet.

Eat More

There is a very simple rule for gaining weight. You need to consume more calories than you burn on a daily basis. On an average, a woman who performs light physical activities in a day burns about 1900 calories in a day. However, you need to calculate a more accurate figure for yourself. After calculating the number of calories you burn, also calculate your calorie intake and plan your diet accordingly. You should aim to have at least 500 calories than what you used to have earlier.

Large Portion Size

Both quality and quantity of food play a determining role in gaining weight for women. Rather than having more food in a single meal, it is advisable to increase your number of meals per day. Apart from having three large meals, also have 2-3 heavy snacks in between them.

Health Foods

Have large portions of healthy fats and proteins in your diet. It would give a toned look to your body. Some of the good sources of proteins and fats are cheese, meat, eggs, chicken, dry fruits and nuts, pulses, soy milk and other milk products. However, you should try to stay away from unhealthy fats that are contained in junk foods as they make you prone to various health problems.

Nutritious Drinks

Fluids are also helpful in gaining weight for women. Therefore it is advisable for you to have lots of fruit juices, milkshakes, smoothies and other energy drinks. Most importantly drink plenty of water in order to keep yourself energized and hydrated.

Choose your Exercises Wisely

If you thought exercising is mandatory only for those looking forward to losing weight, you were wrong until you read "an important part of a weight gain program is exercising," however, you must choose the right exercise. Weight gain exercises are mostly those that involve building of muscle mass. Muscle building exercises are called compound exercises that include dips, squats, push-ups, chin-ups, deadlifts, barbell squats etc. These enable the release of muscle building hormones such as IGF-1, testosterone and HGH or Human Growth Hormone.

Weight Training

It is a myth that weight lifts are meant only for men as they give a muscular look to the body. Contrary to this, doing weight lifts are equally important for women who are trying to gain weight. Performing moderate weight exercises gives a toned look to your body, rather than muscular look. Bench press, deadlifts, push-ups, barbell rows are some of the good exercise options. It would be better to perform these under the supervision of an expert. 

Do Not Stay Up Late at Night

Make sure that you don't stay up late at night. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day; this is because the muscle building hormones release when you are asleep. Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial to gain weight. Therefore, make it a point to have a minimum eight hours of sleep in order to give proper rest ot body.

Positive Frame of Mind

Apart from good diet and workouts, the most important thing for gaining weight is to have the right frame of mind. Many women make the mistake of expecting overnight results and as a consequence, they lose patience. Therefore, it is very important to have a positive approach throughout your weight gain programme to get the desired results.

Being consistent is very necessary. Make plans for your diet and workouts and stick to them with determination. Having normal weight is the key to good health and good body. So keep these points in mind and gain weight in a healthy way.


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