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Stephen Hawking died after a long battle with ALS: Here’s what you need to know about the lethal disease

The greatest mind of the century, Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14 at the age of 76 after a long struggle with the motor-neurone disease. Hawking first developed the disease when he was 21-years-old, lived for over 50 years with it. ALS usually hits people around the age of 55, but Stephen Hawking first developed ALS when he was 21-years-old. The world will remember Stephen Hawking not just for his intellectual genius in physics, but also for his resilience to one of the most incapacitating diseases — amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The greatest mind of the century, Hawking passed away on March 14, 2018, at the age of 76 after a long struggle with the motor-neurone disease. Known to reduce life expectancy to two-five years from the time the symptoms appear, ALS kills half the patients within 14 months of their diagnosis. However, Hawking who first developed the disease when he was 21-years-old, lived for over 50 years with it. What is ALS? It ...


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